It’s different this time, I said to myself. I have to bear my weight upon rising from my bed, wary of that cramps that goes along with these stretching muscles, slowly walking, gasping a breath every time, blood sugar rising. What had just happened? Perhaps age has come to terms with reality, complications suddenly appear when you least expect it. And no matter how I tried to conceal, it’s already here. My standing mirror announced I'm a hippo, lazy and big. I was feeling grouchy that morning after the sonogram confirmation. I am pregnant. And yes, it’s a baby boy, still a boy, XY. No matter how much I insisted with my OB-sonologist that this might be a girl, he would always say he's 97% sure and never been wrong so far.
I thought another baby will do, but seriously, three boys?? Sooner than a flash of lighting, anxiety hits me. I went from a happy pregnant into an anxious preggy. A sudden shift of hormones momentarily after gender identification. My two handsome sons are uniquely mischievous that I’ve tried many ways to neutralize their playful naughtiness.Why wouldn't I be anxious? Boxing and wrestling are their favorite game, bruises and head bumps as the usual endpoint for crying, ice packs as our main first-aid rescue, and the most overused cry for help is "Mamaaaaaaa!". With my little boys, they stormed our house from their rough play, toys destroyed soon after playthings landed into their hands, furniture acquiring multiple stab wounds, TV screens with lacerations and walls doodled with crayons guiltless and proud of their undefined graffiti. Our home decors and interior designs became fully revised and redecorated.
And yet, our house will never be a home without my sons. I will not exchange the glory of their laughter, nor the awesomeness of their unique talents, over classy unscathed furniture. Material things can never replace the happiness I see over their twinkling eyes as they grow and venture in their own way. It’s a place of bliss at the epicenter of a cluttered messy home. It’s a heavenly feeling that belonged to me in a paradise that I can never explain to those who cannot bear a child.
I know I’m just creating my own dilemma by worrying how to raise boys. But who wouldn't be? Drugs, guns and sex looms from highly acceptable immorality in this changing norms of the present society . So I told myself quite positively, to stop worrying and whining, self-convincing that I'll be fine raising these three boys into responsible adults. The strength of prayers combined with a mother’s will drives a power to guide kids into the proper direction. Patting my back, I repeatedly muttered, "I can do this".
Of course, this wouldn't be possible without my husband's encouraging and optimistic aura, the one responsible for these boys to appear in our lives. He bragged that moms who raised boys looked younger than their spouse, because sons tend to love their mom so much. And so whenever I get cranky looking over my inflated body after months of sticking it out literally, I asked him "Nakakita ka na ba ng seksing buntis?" (Had you ever seen a sexy pregnant lady?), he simply replied "I see her everyday".
Smiling to myself, I know some women are envious out there. Wouldn't it be nice to be surrounded and loved by boys?
Hence, starting at that moment, I prefer to be grateful. If this is 97% boy, I’ll let go of that 3% chance. Our contentment and happiness depends on how we see and bear the challenges that God gave us. That's how I should be living my life.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My List Of Bloggers Across The World
How to Find the Secret Sauce
By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin
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success will be different from mine but each of us h...
Image Source: www.pexels.com (by Markus Spiske)
The beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century led to the
rise of capitalism in society. ...
La triade d’inclusivité, d’innovation et d’évolutivité : des impératifs
pour les équipes d’essais cliniques d’aujourd’hui
Dans le domaine dynamique de la recherche clinique, trois priorités
essentielles se sont démarquées : l’inclusion, l’innovation et
l’évolutivité. Alors q...
Batman: Who He Is and How He Came to Be
We all know the story: a night out ends in tragedy for the Waynes, Gotham’s
most prominent family. After a night out in the movies, Thomas and Martha
The water bottle
OK, I need your advice.
I started bringing a water bottle to work, because I believe wholeheartedly
in the amazing power of WATER. So I like to drink a lo...
9 month VSG Post-Op Update!
The picture on the left came up in my FB memories today from one year ago!
So, I snapped one on my phone to put next to it. Look at the difference!
3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Spiritual Health
Have you been there before? To a spot where you just wanted to QUIT? Or to
SCREAM? Maybe even wondered if your efforts in the mundane daily grind was
LOOK: What Every Broken-Hearted Should Learn From Serge Osmeña
Watch the video and take it from him. Just so deep.
See ... It's more than just PIZZA.
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More Than Infrastructure is Falling Apart in America
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references to the Infrastructure is falling apart. I know the
infrastructure i...
Group Reading “The only thing we have in this world that is utterly and
intrinsically ours is our integrity.” ~ Mira Grant One- to find the
universal eleme...
Image: Google
Blessed to hear the sweet melody of the birds
Crickets busying themselves
And flock of storks having morning meal
Among the blades of...
Moments of Astonishment
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something unexpected or unaccountable. Probably from the Anglo-Norman
French verb “...
Of Incomes, Expenses and Life In General
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Creating Stickmen and other Vectors
[image: stickmen tutorial]
[image: vector tutorial]
[image: coreldraw stickmen]
[image: lines, shapes]
[image: editing lines]
[image: adding nodes]
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people tel...
Dear Beloved,
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Nine Years
Today marks nine years since I said "I do" to my amazingly, funny, sweet
husband. We always laugh at the thought of how unromantic he is. He truly
is, and...
Durian Bawor
Anda Mencari Bibit Durian Unggul Hub Bp. H Ismail 0813 2711 9234 Pin 56 abe
Silahkan Berkunjung ke Warung kami :
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Sunshine Music and Blues
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Reflections on Yesterday
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Christmas Parties And Celebrations
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I feel like I no longer know how to put my feelings down on paper - or on a
computer screen, as it happens.
Looking back at everything we've survived, I'm s...
I ADORE Rachel Zoe. ADORE. So, coming home to her latest book waiting on my
doorstep Friday afternoon was the perfect way to begin the weekend. Though
Blue Whiskers
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"I have no i...
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on my b...
I'm still here!
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that we are doing OK, just been busy.. that's life.*
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[image: iba0119l]
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ago. At last I’m not dealing with diabetes this time, or else, ...
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because they usually are items that I haven't ever made before. This
particular ...
Manny Pacquiao's 12 Secrets
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against Manuel Marquez. I still admire our country's Pacman!
Remember the song,...
A Serious Post
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being a...
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when co...
50 shades of Rambling!
I know, I have not posted for a long time! Well tonight, I felt I owed you
all a post..If there are any of you are left. Maybe it is the wine I am
What an idiot I am.
To be honest, I'm not the forgiving type.
Sure I'll deny this if you ask me outrightly. Mumble through the whole
"it's okay don't worry about it, you do...
...but I'm sorry to tell you that I messed up this blog. The links to most
of the posts are broken when I switched back to my blogspot address. As
much as ...
After the Fireworks
Photo from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts
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few weeks. Weekend getaways, delicious homema...
Tiny Update
Well, it has been a while since I have felt comfortable taking the time to
blog again. The current update is that I now once again engaged into home